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Lectures and Media

Humanities Kansas: Book Now!

As a Speaker for Humanities Kansas, you can request Professor Davidson to present her topic “In their Own Words: The Ancient Egyptians.” Visit for more information on how to book her for your community group/organization/non-profit and how to apply for financial assistance.

Upcoming Lectures: 

Adult/Youth Workshop | Discover Hieroglyphs

Friday, 21 Feb 2020, 6:30-8:30pm

Ages 7-13 with adult

“Learn about hieroglyphs, a character-based system of writing used by the ancient Egyptians. Imagine you are a scribe in ancient Egypt as you practice writing these symbols using brush and ink on papyrus. Visit the featured exhibition Queen Nefertari: Eternal Egypt to hunt for hieroglyphs on ancient objects from daily life, monuments and tombs.”

The fee is $40 per adult/child pair. Registration is available here:


Past Lectures Include:


“Egypt, Illinois”

Tuesday, 7 Jan 2020, 8pm, Burns and McDonnell Campus,  9400 Ward Parkway, Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Archaeological Society, January meeting

The Southern tip of the state of Illinois has been known as “Egypt” and later “Little Egypt” since at least the 1830s. The regional connection to ancient Egypt and the origin of the moniker is shrouded in mystery. Egyptologist and Southern Illinois native Stacy Davidson will explain possible origins of the association, how the connotation has changed from positive to negative then back to positive over the years, the reception of “Egypt” in the United States in the 19th Century (including the politically and socially tumultuous 1850s), and the legacy of “Egypt” on the ground in Southern Illinois today. 


“Ancient Materials, Modern Analysis”

Wednesday, 29 Jan 2020, 6pm, CC 211, JCCC

Join Egyptologist Stacy Davidson and chemist Joseph Davidson for an evening exploring the materials science of the ancient Egyptians and how modern analytical chemistry techniques enhance our understanding of the past. In this interdisciplinary talk, they will explain what the ancient Egyptians knew about the matter that made up their world, highlight how the foundational scientific work of chemist Alfred Lucas advanced knowledge of Egyptian technology and techniques, describe the kinds of chemical analysis that lead to a greater understanding of the ancient Egyptians, shine a spotlight on natron and Egyptian blue from the perspectives of each of their fields, and show the links between common chemical compounds and ancient Egypt.
Co-sponsored by KC-ACS and the Departments of History and Chemistry at JCCC. Free and open to the public. No tickets required. Come early to get a seat.


“Ask an Egyptologist”

Thursday, 6pm, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO

“Join four Kansas City-area Egyptologists for an evening of inquiry and discovery. Stacy Davidson, Lisa Saladino Haney, Patrick Salland, and Julia Troche will each give brief presentations on objects in the Queen Nefertari: Eternal Egypt exhibition that relate to their individual research interests before opening up the floor for your questions.”

Free tickets are available here:

Sneak peek: I’ll be talking about my favorite type of artifact from ancient Egypt, the scribal palette.


“In their Own Words: The Ancient Egyptians,” Humanities Kansas Speakers Bureau presentation

Bonner Springs City Library

Tuesday, 10 Dec 2019, 6pm


“In their Own Words: The Ancient Egyptians,” Humanities Kansas Speakers Bureau presentation

JCPRD Lunch and Learn

Tuesday, 6 August 2019, 11:30am-1pm (lecture begins at noon)


“In their Own Words: The Ancient Egyptians,” Humanities Kansas Speakers Bureau presentation

Frank Carlson Library, 702 Broadway. Concordia, KS

Monday, 3 June, 2019


Details can be viewed at:


Atchison Masonic Temple, Atchison, KS

Saturday, 11 May 2019, 2-4pm

PDF of the flyer: egyptian flyer


JCCC Night at the Nelson

Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO

Friday, 12 April 2019. 6:30-8:30pm

The Inner Coffin of Meretites, 7pm, Gallery P1

PDF of the schedule: JCCCNN2019

Heritage Week (Egypt), Featured Speaker

Topeka West High School
2001 SW Fairlawn Rd.
Topeka, KS 66604

5 March 2019


Night at the Nelson, Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, MO

Friday, 7 April 2017

The Stele of Seankhy and Ankefankhu

JCCC Program 2017



Professional Development Days

Tuesday, 10 January 2017

Session 1: (1:00 p.m. – 1:45 p.m.)

“Egypt and Mesopotamia: A Recap of JCCC Study Trip to London, Oxford, and Berlin”

Presenters: Melanie S. B. Hull, Adjunct Professor, History & Stacy Davidson, Egyptologist, Adjunct Professor, Continuing Education

Location: RC 101 A

Description: In this session the presenters will explain their experience putting together and leading a JCCC study trip and showcase some of the highlights from the trip. Highlights include special handling sessions of ancient artifacts at the British Museum and Petrie Museum.



Foreign Language Week

Lecture (22 April 2016): Egyptian Hieroglyphs


NATI (Nebraska Association for Translators and Interpreters)

Annual Convention 2015, Bellevue University, Bellevue, NE, 30 July- 1 Aug 2015.

Keynote Lecture (31 July 2015): Egyptology, Égyptologie, Ägyptologie: A Multilingual Discipline

Workshop #1 (31 July 2015): Ancient Egyptian Language and Literature

Workshop #2 (1 Aug 2015): Understanding Homer’s Odyssey


MICATA (Mid-America Chapter of the American Translators Association)  

Annual Symposium 2015 hosted by Johnson County Community College, Overland Park, KS

27-28 March 2015

Luncheon Lecture: Egyptology, Égyptologie, Ägyptologie: A Multilingual Discipline

Workshop: Exploring Egyptian Hieroglyphs



Egyptian Hieroglyphs, Egyptology: A Virtual Tour, and Ancient Greek



“Egyptomania Takes Root in Kansas City,” American Research Center in Egypt e-newsletter, published 24 March 2017.


Professor Davidson was profiled in the KC Star Magazine in August 2014. Click the link below to read the article.

KC Star Deciphering History article 8_31_14


Past International Tours


JCCC Study Trip 2016

Trip Poster photo

JCCC’s study trip to London, Oxford, and Berlin in May-June 2016 is officially open for registration! This will be the first international study trip in the region to focus on ancient Egyptian and Mesopotamian objects in European museums. We will also be visiting several organizations dedicated to the research and preservation of Egyptian and Near Eastern sites and artifacts. We have a unique lineup of activities planned including handling sessions with ancient artifacts and guided tours by leading experts in the fields of Egyptology and ancient Near Eastern studies. A detailed listing of sites, museums, organizations, and monuments we will be visiting can be found in brochure below; highlights include the British Museum, the Egypt Exploration Society, the Ashmolean Museum, the Griffith Institute, and Museum Island in Berlin. Although many educational opportunities such as museum and archive tours, artifact handling, and outings have been scheduled, participants will also have time to explore London, Oxford, and Berlin at their leisure.  This unique learning experience is open to students, faculty, and staff at JCCC as well as community members (aged 18 and over). You do not have to be an enrolled student at JCCC to join this study trip. The deadline for registration is Nov 15, 2015. Please feel free to contact me for further information.

Brochure _London and Berlin_FINAL

Trip participants have the option of enrolling in a Spring 2016 2-credit course, HIST 291: Egypt and the Ancient Near East. This is an interdisciplinary course on Ancient Egyptian and Near Eastern cultures, religion, history, language, literature, art and architecture.  Literary texts, iconographic images, and geography will be studied.  Students will also explore the history and layout of the museum collections and archives that will be visited on the study trip. The course is taught by study trip co-leaders, Stacy Davidson and Melanie Hull.




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