- Welcome
- Treasurer’s Report: Eve Blobaum
- Eve is transitioning the reports to Dave Krug, the new FA Treasurer
- Strategic Planning: Dave Krug
- See Dave’s email sent out today – it has a lot of details
- Goals in final form (4 of them) Student success, DEI, employee engagement, community partnerships
- Working on strategies this summer – faculty off contract will be paid
- Faculty members on DEI Committee will also join strategic planning DEI strategy development
- Dave will continue to send out updates on the fa listserv over the summer
- There will be PDD dates in August with updates
- Portfolio committee: Barry Herron
- Working on blog site, email if you want to add an example
- Working on adding PDDs – look for those in August
- RTC report, masks & distancing guidelines: Michelle Riley
- See InfoHub announcement that was just sent today
- Jim is meeting with Dr. McCloud to clarify policy
- Concern about following CDC guidelines
- OLAC and ABC report, 1st day Canvas template: Brett Cooper
- Heather Seitz on ABC / OLAC / Testing Center
- All faculty vote was overwhelmingly yes to adopting course definitions put forth by OLAC – 83% in favor
- Testing center taskforce also still meeting look at options
- ABC preparing a report for administration on faculty needs for using testing center
- Brett on OLAC and recommendations on 1st day minimum course content in canvas
- Admin looking to include minimum course content as part of faculty evaluations (which would need to be negotiated to include in faculty evals)
- Faculty question how big the problem is / can we just work with the folks that are not doing what is needed / wanted? Can chairs look through their faculty’s canvas sections before the semester begins?
- Complaints about faculty not having contents in Canvas at start of the semester. Seems to be a smaller number of folks that have this issue.
- OLAC creating a list of “suggested minimum content” for day 1 of classes. Telling students to contact course instructor first.
- Will there ever be FA parties again? Update
- Probably shouldn’t be encouraging behavior off campus that the FA is trying to prevent on campus
- Don’t want our first party back to be a dud
- Waiting until December allows social committee to put together a good party
- Floating possibly an on-campus collab with administration for a campus party
- Erring on the side of safety for the first party back
- Negotiations Team – report *
- Reached a tentative agreement on Friday afternoon
- 3 year agreement to discuss today
- vote on it is coming up
- new contract starts July 1st (but summer contracts are based on the last MA)
- Addendums I and II
- Getting rid of positions that are no longer part of the bargaining unit; cleaned up titles so they are consistent with what we have; listing all the possible titles and the total number of bargaining unit members; listing positions that will not be part of the bargaining unit once the current holder leaves
- FA President release time
- altering language to make the request a formal process with a required written response
- Peer Review
- adding language that requires the peer review summative report will be attached to the 3rd year report / evaluation and placed in the HR file
- Sabbatical Leave presentations
- revised language so that one gives a presentation organized by the Faculty Development Office
- Salaries & New Salary Table
- See New Table Here http://blogs.jccc.edu/fa/files/2021/05/Faculty-Salary-Tables-.pdf
- Salary study
- Based on peer institutions
- Found that top categories are not keeping up with market / are below peers
- Found that folks with more experience are not at par w other institutions
- Found that we had too many steps
- Recommended we go to something with a same percent increase at every level
- Transitioning to new salary table
- 21-22 Placement on table is such that no faculty member will have a lower base salary. Placed on new table so your salary is the same or more than it is currently
- 21-22 Then everyone gets 1.5% increase after step placement in (the average increase is 2.6%)
- In 2022-23 increase salary table amounts by 1.6% & folks in specialist and doctorate category go up 1-step (to fix the problem noted by the salary study of the inequities between the market rates and what specialist and doctoral categories make at JCCC & it ensures that folks later in their careers also get an increase)
- In 23-24 all go up 1 level, and salary table amounts go up 0.5%
- Future steps on scale are negotiated as to whether people “move a step”
- Moving forward will want to negotiate a full step for everyone for each year
- Overload pay, adjunct pay
- Increased by the average 2.6, 2.5 and 2.75 each year, respectively
- Benefits
- 50/50 split of benefits costs for group 1
- Next year the increase is basically $0
- Don’t know about future years—no way of predicting it
- Past average has been 4-6%
- Tuition assistance benefits
- for faculty who want to take credit courses at other institutions
- 50% of out of pocket tuition and fees up to $1000 per semester, up to $3000 per year
- Must be beneficial to college and approved by Dean
- Must stay at college for 1 year after receiving benefits
- Admin must tell faculty 12 months in advance if the VERB is going away
- Creation of Chef Apprentice Coordinator to ensure that culinary faculty have supports for their programs (faculty will still teach the courses and assign grades)
- Student research projects / faculty supervising student research or working with student researchers
- will now use special projects funding for independent research and related things that take additional time
- Parental leave
- Not much progress made
- Performance evaluation
- Deans and supervisors need more training on how to use the form
- It was communicated to them that they can change the form, but they cannot implement the form without negotiating it with the FA
- If your dean or supervisor begins to use a new form – TELL THE FA PRESIDENT
- Workload factors
- Admin had no interest in changing workload factors this time around
- 10 and 12-month faculty
- Not much traction, but the new salary tables did make some adjustments for some of the concerns expressed
- MFAs in specialist category
- Other schools place MFAs in same category as JDs – JCCC does not
- MFA is a terminal degree with a substantial number of graduate credits
- Admin team was not interested in moving MFAs at this time
- Door has been opened for future conversations.
- Adjournment