JCCC SoTL Scholar Academy

The JCCC SoTL Scholar Academy is an opportunity for a cohort of 5-7 faculty members to receive mentorship and support through the process of designing and implementing a research project on their own teaching.

What is SoTL?  The Scholarship of Teaching of Learning (SoTL) involves faculty undertaking systematic inquiry about student learning and going public with the results, either through a written publication or a conference presentation. 

Why JCCC Faculty?  SoTL is an emerging movement in higher education.  Currently, most SoTL research takes place in four-year institutions, but because community college faculty often have more teaching expertise, the faculty, especially JCCC faculty, are well-positioned to become national SoTL leaders within the academy.

But because of the heavy teaching load, full-time faculty may have less time to take on extra research.  The purpose of the Academy is to provide support for faculty in all stages of the research process, from designing the research question, to collecting data, analyzing, and sharing the results.

See what other colleges and universities are doing in SoTL here.


*note: participants in the JCCC SoTL Scholar Academy will receive two $500 stipends.

 May 7, 2021—Join experienced JCCC SoTL scholars for an Information session about the JCCC SoTL Academy, 1 – 2 pm.  Click here to register.  

May 21, 2021— Join experienced JCCC SoTL scholars for an Information session about the JCCC SoTL Academy, 1 – 2 pm.  Click here to register.

May 24, 2021—deadline to apply for the JCCC SoTL Scholar Academy

August 16, 2021 (9:00 am – 12:00 pm)—SoTL retreat facilitated by Jennifer Friberg, Interim Director – Center for Teaching, Learning, and Technology and Endowed Cross Chair in the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Illinois State University.

Fall semester 2021Study designMonthly Faculty Learning Community (FLC) meetings in support of continued work designing the study (appx. 1-2 hours)

Spring semester 2022— Data CollectionMonthly Faculty Learning Community (FLC) meetings in support of data collection (appx. 1-2 hours)

February 23-25, 2022, Cohort attends SoTL Commons Conference, Savannah, GA

 First $500 stipend

Summer 2022Analyze data & write results

Fall semester 2023 and beyond—Continue to analyze and write results as needed

TBD:  Present and/or publish the completed study.  (Funding will be provided to present results at a Teaching & Learning conference.)

 Second $500 stipend

If you are interested in participating in the JCCC SoTL Scholar Academy, please complete this short application.

Please contact Farrell Hoy Jenab if you have questions or would like more information.



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