Fusion 360: Halloween Bucket
Use Arc, Revolve, Circle and an SVG file to model a Halloween bucket with a witch engraved into it.
Drafting, Modeling and 3D Printing with Lydia Sloan Cline
Hand drafting for Interior Design, SketchUp, Autodesk 123D and MakerBot
Use Arc, Revolve, Circle and an SVG file to model a Halloween bucket with a witch engraved into it.
Import a JPG and trace it with the Sketch circle, line, arc, mirror, trim, and circle pattern tools. Then extrude.
Convert a JPG to an SVG. Import, unfix the sketch, press/pull, circle, and you have a great wall plaque to 3D print.
Model a teacup in direct modeling mode with Spline and Sweep, and import an STL file to put in it.
Driving vs. driven dimensions, constraints, selection sets, how to edit dimensions, what makes Fusion 360 parametric.
Sketch, model and scale a business card.
The Sketch menu, palette, how to mirror, the edit sketch option, constraints, and sketch planes.
Use sketches, bodies, align, move, copy, and scale to make a simple Christmas tree.
Center a hole on a sphere to make a bead. Then make a box and cylinder bead with a similar process.
A tour of the interface, its features, and what you can do.