Book of the Day

America’s Nuclear Wastelands! I have nuclear paranoia to the point where you would think I remembered most of the Cold War.  Given that, this book title scare the ever-livin’ out of me.  The book actually does talk about Cold-War era weapons production and how we have to get rid of them. Here’s a quote from the back of the book:

In 2000, it was estimated that $212 billion and 70 years would be required to clean up the nuclear contamination and waste at 113 complexes while closing 4,000 unneeded facilities.

Does that not scare you?!  I suppose different generations have their different fears, but this is certainly an interesting book about environmental issues in the United States.  Here’s a picture to relax you after all of that.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College

One thought on “Book of the Day”

  1. Nothing like a perfect puppy picture — unless it’s a perfect puppy! I am relaxed.

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