ScholarSpace Redux

Do you write?  Do you present?  Do you have papers, reports, presentations, handouts from conferences, or any other intellectual property produced by you during your reign of employment or enrollment at JCCC?  Then I challenge you!

ScholarSpace is our Institutional Repository, and while I’ve mentioned it here before, it has been awhile.  Chances are, if you’re faculty, I’ve already made plans to knock on your door.  But you are henceforth challenged to approach me first!

If you are not faculty, help me!  I can only go department to department and ask for your intellectual output.  The whole point is to capture the work of everyone, including faculty, staff, and students. Please, if you are a student and have a work you’re really proud of, then speak with your instructor, speak with me, and we’ll see if ScholarSpace is the appropriate spot for your work.

It’s pretty awesome.  Your work has its own page where people can download it, get the proper citation for it, and you can even bump a notification to your facebook page or digg account about it.

An Institutional Repository is fancy-pants talk for the collected material of one entity (JCCC in this case).  If a work is put in the repository, it is by all means published.  What better way to show your pride, our value, and the quality of students we have than by showing what those students, their teachers, and the supporting staff around them can create?

It may look small now, but it is ready to grow. If you have a work that doesn’t fit into a department, just e-mail, and we’ll get it set up.  If you have any questions, stop by my office.  JCCC, you’ve been challenged to help store our legacy!  Let’s get it going!

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College