Book of the Day Brings Sexy Back

One of my best friends was approached by her grizzled, burly, lumberjack hometown buddy, I think after taking a college literature class, and said, just like this: “Have you EVER read a ro-MANCE novel?!”  I guess he found something interesting.

Now, I’m not going to lie to you:  I’ve read a couple ro-MANCE novels in my day, and one thing remains true:  You know within the first paragraph what’s going to happen from beginning to end. It has been argued that this is reassuring, and a reason readers like this.

But here’s a question slightly different than the previous:  Have you ever listened to a ro-MANCE novel?!

This stuff is amazing. I can tell you that I’m listening to disc 3, and so far there is a witch’s curse preventing the men in this family from being engaged.  So now one of the men in the family is ready to try to break the curse with a special lady!  There has been some forehead petting, some passionate pleading, and some ro-MAN-tic music.  Your life is not complete until you listen to a lady talk through a passionate scene as both people involved… wait, PASSIONATE KISS… Oh, this is getting good… I’d like to type more, but this is some good stuff.  Gotta go. (If you’re out for the good stuff and only good stuff, skip to track 24 on Disc 3)

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College