One famous hacker’s story

Kevin Mitnick has seen behind the security barriers of Sun, Motorola, and at least dozens of other big name companies. His years of evading the law made him an increasingly annoying target for the FBI, and today’s featured book, Ghost in the Wires, is his memoir of his time on the run. It’s an exciting story of deception, hacking, false identities, and being on the run. Whether you see Mitnick as a hero or a villain, you’ll have to admit his pursuits were quite clever

Book of the Day: It Gets Better

Last year, there was a fairly large campaign to address those suffering discrimination for sexual orientation. In the wake of multiple tragic events, Dan Savage birthed the “It Gets Better” campaign, and many celebrities, sports teams, and companies followed with contributions.

The companion book by Savage,  It Gets Better: Coming Out, Overcoming Bullying, and Creating a Life Worth Living, is on our New Book Shelf, on the second floor. In addition to text versions of many of the original shared stories, it includes expanded versions and new contributions.

Maybe it’s just this librarian, but reading these expanded versions, a little more thought out than just an on-the-spot YouTube video, have a little more impact when understanding what someone might have to go through, and the impact hurtful actions have on someone’s life.  It also shows that whatever obstacles one must push through, the light at the end is worth getting to.

For similar resources, check out these LibGuides.

Really looking forward to the study rooms, you guys…

Hey, everybody.

Sorry about the construction that’s still going on. We’re told it’ll be over soon enough, but check out one of the benefits! The photos above are just a quick preview of the group study rooms we’ve been building. The rooms will be available to student groups only, so when they open up, make sure you bring your ID card. There will be about 8 (this is just one corner of the area), and they’ll be on the second floor behind where minidesk (not MEGADESK) currently is.

So thanks for your patience, and we hope they’ll be up and open soon!