Free HIV Tests/Gardasil on 4/12


We like you. How much? A bunch. We want you all healthy and aware of your own health.

With that in mind, this just came across our InfoList, so please take note:


The Johnson County Health Department will offer free confidential rapid HIV screenings from 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. Monday, April 12, in 103 CLB. Results available in 20 minutes.

Gardasil injections also are available at no charge. Gardasil is the HPV vaccine.

No appointment needed. Must be 18 years or older for HIV testing.

Some Library Housekeeping…

A few announcements we haven’t really talked about on the Internet, but probably should have…

  • We’ve installed print management.  This is the end of free printing in the library in an effort to a) encourage you to get more green, b) get your professors to stop making you print so much, and c) collect some losses from non-students who take advantage of our services.  All enrolled students will have a generous number of free prints each semester. Feel free to talk to the reference desk or comment on it in the chat widget (to your right if you’re on our blog’s page.
  • The library catalog will be going down and coming back up a few times this week.  Our catalog’s server has what we’ll politely call “issues”.  Here’s an accurate depiction of our server right now:

Needless to say, we’re working on it.

  • Our very own Judi Guzzy is presenting at the KLA conference about her sabbatical project, which took a comprehensive look at the strengths and advantages of library consortia. We wish her luck!

That should cover it for now.  Here’s an inspirational librarian video.

New Student Journal @ JCCC

I’m a big fan of our Institutional Repository, ScholarSpace.  A repository, set up to gather all of the publishings coming from our campus, has really exposed some of our works to the greater academic arena, but there’s been a glaring issue: there has been a horrible lack of student-created material. And certainly one of the most glaring issues has been my lack of advertising to get students more involved.

UNTIL NOW. I’m proud to announce that with the support and hard work of Patricia Decker, we’ve been able to launch the Johnson County Community College Honors Journal. Students who have completed their Honors contracts for courses at JCCC can now submit their final projects for inclusion in our entirely digital journal.  There are some great advantages to this journal being all digital:

  • Obviously it is more green
  • Digital publishing allows the article to be included in larger academic online communities
  • We can incorporate alternative projects, such as video, images, powerpoint presentations, or a combination of many of these

We’re very proud to be showcasing the work of our students, and hope to receive many more submissions in the coming semesters.  Thanks to everyone who helped get this off the ground, especially the contributing students:

  • Christina Turner
  • Courtney Masterson
  • William Sherrill
  • William Bettes
  • Belinda Peister

Seriously: without students willing to share their fantastic work, we wouldn’t be able to show the rest of the world what our students are capable of.  I hope this gets students (Honors or not!) interested in submitting their work. Thanks again!

Still looking for eBook Reader Users

So, we’re sitting on a Nook,  a Kindle, and a Sony eReader, and to help us move from here, we’re still looking to find user experiences. Anyone willing to share can contact me at, or contact us through facebook or @JCCCLib on Twitter.  We’ve had a few responses, but we can always use more.

Thanks a million!

The Weather is Gross: Research Reminder (UPDATE)

In case some of you are sticking around the library to work on assignments, we urge you to remember the following things on account of the nasty weather:

  • Almost all of our journals are available from home with your JCCC ID and login
  • We have LibGuides to assist you with your assignments
  • If you need to talk, you can always use chat reference (it’s on the right hand side of this page, too!)
  • Peruse our site for more resources, and don’t be afraid to ask us over Twitter (@JCCCLib), or you can always call us (913.469.3871)

SAFETY FIRST: Using JCCC’s Library is just as easy from home, and we don’t have a “Clothing Optional” policy in the real building.

UPDATE: We’re shutting this joint down: campus closes at 3:30 today (2/5/2010).  BE SAFE.

We’re Interested in your eBook Reader Experience

We’ve got some toys and ideas coalescing into a full fledged project, but we’ll need your help.  Feel free to comment on on this blog, DM us on Twitter (@JCCCLib), or contact me via the e-mail (bbaile14 [at] jccc [dot] edu) if you’d be willing to spend some time sharing your experience with a Kindle, Sony Reader, Nook, or any other type of eBook device or software.

Hey, We Made the Front Page!

One of the on-going projects at Billington Library is the Fashion Collection’s digitization.  It’s a bear of a project, but it is getting it’s exposure on JCCC’s main Web site.  The featured article links to this page.  Here’s an excerpt:

JCCC is the safe haven for chic and culture as the repository of the Kansas City Regional Fashion Group International collection containing more than 1,500 pieces of apparel: 500 gloves, scarves and undergarments; 275 hats; and 150 pairs of shoes dating from the 1850s to the 1990s.


The collection has been catalogued and organized by designer and/or decade and is now housed at the college’s site at Bishop Miege North. Electronic images of the collection will eventually be available through the Billington Library.

That’s us! Big thanks to Joan McCrillis for helping the library get this project underway and Bret Gustafson for being the best photographer on the planet, ever.

In the Meantime…

We’re running some maintenance on our catalog, which means no new items are being added.  That + between semesters = no RSS updates for new materials = slow blog material coming about.

So in the meantime, here’s a video of a prank some jerk pulled at a library I used to work at, which is probably only funny to me because I didn’t have to pick it up.