Wouldn’t you rather listen to Jon Stewart?


Think reading a comedy book sounds just not as funny as your regular Daily Show personality banter? Then why not check out the audiobook?  The Daily Show Presents Earth: The Book is read to you by Jon Stewart, Wyatt Cenac, Jason Jones, Samantha Bee, John Oliver, and (somehow) Sigourney Weaver.

I listened to Stephen Colbert’s I am American and So Can You (as shouted by the author), and it was a much funnier experience for me than just reading the book.  So give it some serious consideration, and then check out some of the other audiobooks we have!

The Most Important Book You’ll Read Or Have Shouted At You

So there’s a lack of images in a lot of our new books, and not really a lot of new material.  Therefore, I’ve taken the liberty to plug one of the best books in our collection:

I AM AMERICA (AND SO CAN YOU!) by Stephen Colbert.  But perhaps reading isn’t your thing. That’s cool, we also have the audio version “as shouted by the author” (it says it right on the cover). I’ll confess to personally owning both versions of the book. Heck, I even have the book on my iPod, and when it is on shuffle, a short portion will pop up and keep me entertained.

Our catalog is up today! That’s the rumor going round! Of course, you can always check our Twitter feed to keep updated on these types of things as they occur.