Today’s Item: Jamaica’s First Movie



I repeat: Yes!

We’ve got some updates coming to our DVD department, including some of the best movies about music ever made.  My personal favorite also happens to be one of the first Jamaican flicks created, The Harder They Come. If you liked The Departed, The Godfather, Scarface, or any story that follows a rags to riches to corruption theme, then this will be of interest.

The lead character is played by Jimmy Cliff, one of the most influential men in reggae not named Marley, and the soundtrack is hot stuff.  It also highlights some issues within Jamaica’s economic structure during the 70s, with your rich neighborhoods and tourist attractions next to the poor shantytowns struggling with crime and violence.  It is a good look into the frequently ignored parts of the country, and the parts which the tourist commercials conveniently don’t mention.

But hey, while the movie may not be a feel-good picture, the soundtrack will lift you right back up!