Use the library to understand the sustainability push on campus


We get a lot of books to support the campus’s sustainability push. Pros, cons, debates, and more fill the pages of many of our new items, like today’s book: Powering the Future: The Problems & Possibilities of Green Energy. Learn the differences between alternative and renewable resources, explore the debates about certain fuels that might not pay off in the long run, and the impact these have on developing nations.

All of that and more issues are summed up in this great introductory text to the big issues inside sustainability. Remember, we’ve got plenty more like this one. Just ask a librarian!

I Heard it was Earth Day

So the only new book we added to the catalog today that was relevant to Earth Day was actually about biological warfare… Not quite the upper we were hoping for.

So digging back a little to earlier this month, I found this gem: 100% Renewable: Energy Autonomy in Action, edited by Peter Droege. This book takes a comprehensive look at what we need to do to make all of our energy-using necessities and conveniences independent from non-renewable resources. From buildings to power to city structure to transportation: Droege shows the measures necessary to ensure our species sustainability.

So read a book like this, or plant a tree, or hug Ed Begley, Jr., and have a great Earth Day!

It’s Transportation… In the FUTURE!

Part of me doesn’t care what this book is about. If the future means I get an egg on wheels to whip around town, I’m so in. BUT the part of me that does care reveals that Reinventing the Automobile tackles the green aspects of future transportation as well as the ideas of city planning and overcrowded areas, providing examples of the need for a smaller, environmentally-friendly vehicle.  It’s awesome either way.

Green Up Your Roof!

Any of our students in a Sustainability-related class or with an interest in going green should check out Green Roof Construction and Maintenance. There’s a lot you can do to empower structures by making improvements to their tops, from harnessing energy to using greener materials.  Whether its improving your drainage system to full-on LEED-certified construction, this book can help you make a little or big difference.