Math Award

Dave Stephens, a former MRC tutor, was part of the team of three KU students who took second place in the Kansas Collegiate Mathematics Competition held Saturday, March 28, 2014 at Emporia State University.  The contest is held every year…

Assessment Award

The JCCC Office of Outcomes Assessment has made its first Excellence in Outcomes Assessment Award, and the winners are all from the JCCC mathematics department:  Libby Corriston, Julane Crabtree, Linda O’Brien, Susan Pettyjohn, and Bill Robinson.  They earned the award…


Two JCCC mathematics faculty presented at the spring 2013 conference of the Kansas Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges (KAMATYC), held at the Geary Campus of Cloud County Community College on March 2, 2013.  They were: Chris Imm, professor of mathematics,…

NISOD Awardee

Chris Imm, professor of mathematics, was selected as one of the 2013 NISOD Excellence Award winners. Since its beginning in 1978, the National Institute for Staff and Organizational Development (NISOD) has sought to serve, engage, and inspire higher education faculty…


AMATYC, the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, held its 38th Annual Conference at Jacksonville, Florida, on November 8-11, 2012.  Several JCCC math faculty contributed to the conference. Five JCCC math faculty made presentations at the conference: Beth Edmonds, associate…