The holidays are right around the corner. For many of us that is exciting and comforting, but for many, the holidays can be an extra financial and emotional burden. It’s the season of giving, so why not give back to your community too and help those in need!
The Don Bosco Centers provide English as Second Language classes to seniors and adults with disabilities all across the Kansas City Metro. Many of their students live at or below the poverty level and share similar basic needs like personal hygiene items, warm blankets, paper goods/cleaning supplies, warm socks, hats, gloves, and more.
Here’s how you can help:
• Adopt and shop for a homebound senior
• Purchase items for senior holiday gift bags
• Purchase items for our ESL student holiday extravaganza
• Provide a financial donation
• Volunteer for events in December
If you’re interested you can contact Andrea Dutt at or 816-691-2900.