Johnson County Community College’s Adult Education program helps people improve their reading, writing or math skills; earn their Kansas High School Diploma; or improve their English language skills.
Even though Johnson County is considered one of the more affluent and educationally thriving counties in the state, there are still more than 15% of residents who do not have a high school diploma, and eight percent do not speak English well.
This program relies on the help of volunteers to work one-on-one with or lead small groups of adult literacy or English language learning students. This takes place at any of the 5 JCAE centers across Johnson County. They ask that volunteers commit to volunteering three hours each week for a minimum of six months.
If you’re interested in making a difference right in your own backyard and assisting Johnson County Adult Education students, there is a volunteer orientation coming up:
Sunday, August 12th
Carlsen Center 232
You can register for that here!
If you have any questions, you can contact Jill Sigler via email or phone at 913-469-7677.
Happy Volunteering!