Thanks to Photo Professor Philip Heying, we have some recent pics from a reception (2/12/ 17) of student work, as well as some snaps of…students working! Thanks Philip!
1/ 17/2017 Here are sheets and some examples I’ve made that give the guidelines and some pattern suggestions for the EMPTY BOWLS contributors. Please see Laura Gascogne in ATB 111 if you have more questions. THANK YOU!!!
The Empty Bowls Movement Project Info Sheet
NOV. 2016 This Past First Friday, JCCC Student work was invited to be shown at the Wallace Engineering Firm in KC at 18th and McGee. Special thanks to Crystal Anton (JCCC Sustainability leader) and her husband who works at Wallace Engineering, for inviting us. Congratulations to the many students whose amazing work looked GREAT in the Space!!!
We are so proud of the Students and Staff who put this show together in such a TIGHT time frame. It looks awesome:
Show “Surveillance” at Nelson Atkins____________________________
In a show featuring photographic images spanning from 1860-Present, the exhibit “Surveillance” is interesting, unsettling, refreshing and fascinating all at once. Tucked in behind the African exhibit in the Bloch Building, this show is brief but comprehensive in it’s attempt to capture over 150 years on a subject that is all too familiar in today’s society.
In addition to this exhibit, there is a film series:
Exhibition Programs
Film Series
Art of Surveillance
Saturdays, October 1–15 | 2 p.m.
Tickets required.
October 1: Rear Window
October 8: Eye In The Sky
October 15: Blow Up
The Photography Society Presents: Tomas van Houtryve
Thursday, October 6 | 6–7 p.m.
Belgian photographer Tomas van Houtryve discusses his work as it relates to contemporary warfare—especially the nearly “invisible” activities of drones and electronic surveillance.
News on First Fridays, Third Thursdays, Happenings in KC & elsewhere in the ArtWorld!’
It’s September 2….and IT’S FIRST FRIDAY! Check out this Link to the latest Art Openings! See you THERE!