Even here in Kansas, there is a big disconnect between rural farmers and city dwellers. Maybe that’s because people might believe that food comes from the store, or from our amazing food court, and don’t realize how much work goes into the food that they consume.
Farmers will tell you, too, that some people don’t realize how many animal byproducts are part of their daily routines. And let’s not even get started with hormones—the evidence might surprise some people who haven’t researched it for themselves.
Wouldn’t it be helpful if farmers and city people talked to each other?
Henry Heigert, a 20-year-old third generation farmer who has been farming his entire life, explained what he would want individuals that do not have a background in farming to know about his way of life.
What Farmers Ultimately Want City Folks to Know
Heigert wants to set the record straight on the government’s involvement in farming.
“We do not live off of the government,” Heigert said. “We make our own money.”
There is a common misconception that farmers and ranchers are getting payouts all the time from the government. This is not true. Farmers and ranchers are working every day to put food on other people’s tables and make a living while doing so.
Cheyenne Westerman, an intern at Hildebrand Dairy who milks cows and helps maintain the overall wellbeing of the dairy cattle, wants consumers to get involved and see agriculture for themselves before judging farmers and ranchers.
“I would want [people] to know there is definitely a lot more to it than meets the eye from a broad perspective,” Westerman said. “You can’t have an understanding of agriculture if you have never experienced it, so I understand the fear of not knowing. I also think that is something that can be combated if they’ll just listen to what agriculture advocates are saying or go see a farm and understand why we do what we do before making a judgement call… Understand why we do it first and then take your position.”
Sage DeFord, a horse trainer and lifetime rancher out of Montana, would like people to remember the importance of ranching.
“Without the ranchers they wouldn’t have beef, good quality beef,” DeFord said. “They put a lot of work into it.”
The Hours
When it comes to farming and ranching, there is no time clock to punch in and out of. There are no set working hours. Equipment can break down and throw a wrench into the rest of the day. Farmers work until the job is done.
“There’s not set hours in farming,” says Heigert.
Westerman confirmed the long hours.
“It’s labor intensive,” Westerman said. “You don’t quit when you think you should clock out. You quit when the job is done, which is really different from other professions for sure.”
DeFord agrees with Heigert and Westerman.
“There’s not really set hours,” DeFord said. “It completely varies depending on the day and what needs done.”
Genetically Modified Organisms
Genetically modified organisms better known as GMOs have been a sore subject for consumers for ages. There is a common misconception that GMOs are harmful to the food that we eat.
“There’s no harm that comes from a genetically modified crop or a crop that has had some sort of chemical put on it to control weeds or pests,” Heigert says. “So people need to understand it’s not going to hurt them.”
Westerman wants consumers to do their own research.
“First of all I would encourage them to look at the regulations on those labels that they see on food products and see what those labels actually mean,” Westerman said. “With GMOs, I would specifically say research those and see what does GMO actually mean. Go into that research, and figure out the background behind it all. I think that would enlighten a lot of people as far as knowing what labels actually mean on food products, because a lot of that is marketing.”
In Heigert’s opinion, non-GMO and organic foods are a marketing gimmick for larger corporations to make more money.
Lab Grown Beef and “Hormone Free” Products
Beef grown in a lab is highly processed. Homegrown beef is not grown in a lab. It does not have preservatives. While he did not know the nutritional difference between lab grown beef and homegrown beef, Heigert knows the popularity of lab grown beef would be detrimental to farmers everywhere.
“I just know it’s highly processed and if it were to take off it’s just going to kill people out here trying to make a living raising actual livestock,” Heigert said.
While it may cost more upfront, consumers can buy fresh beef straight from a farmer or rancher rather than buying meat in a grocery store. It is a lot more cost effective in the long run.
“I think if people would study [labels] and understand what ‘organic’ means, or ‘no hormones added’ means, they would understand animals produce their own hormones so you’re not getting a ‘hormone free’ product, you’re just getting one that they didn’t add extra hormones,” Westerman said. “The animal still has hormones that it produces in its body.”
Why Farming?
When asked why he has been so drawn to farming Heigert said, “It’s what I want to do… It really is what people say. It’s in your blood.”
Heigert’s favorite part of farming is the “freedom.” He enjoys not being someone else’s employee. In a way, he is kind of his own boss. He works alongside his father on their farm. For a lot of farmers it is important that young people get involved early.
Agriculture has played a big role in Westerman’s life as well.
“[It’s] definitely something I’ve always been passionate about and something I want to continue because I think it’s a really important aspect of life that a lot of people don’t understand,” Westerman said. “Or can get away from realizing ‘Hey, the stuff that you get in the store actually comes from somewhere. It doesn’t come from the store’.”
Her favorite part of farming is working with animals and seeing the sunrise.
“The work itself is really rewarding,” Westerman said. “You can always see the impact that you make on the animals.”
DeFord could hardly choose her favorite part about ranching.
“[My favorite part is] the animals and being outside,” DeFord said. “I guess [I like] everything about it, pretty much.”
Last Thoughts
Heigert’s final words to consumers pack a big punch.
“There is somebody out there that feeds you every day,” Heigert said. “You don’t buy it from a grocery store, and it’s not grown in a lab. Somebody’s working every day to make sure there’s food on your table and clothes on your back.”
Westerman wholeheartedly agrees with Heigert.
“I think the work that farmers do is really important because they’re ultimately what feeds and clothes the world,” Westerman said.
By Audrey Hook
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