JCCC to Close the Office of Inclusion and Belonging

A photo of the Johnson County Community College main entrance to the Student Center

By Baptiste Raffin

Following the federal requirements calling for the for the elimination of DEI and race-based considerations in federally-funded educational institutions, JCCC Interim President Judy Korb announced on Friday Feb. 28, that “JCCC will comply with all federal requirements and ensure our admissions, hiring, resource allocations and scholarships are not out of compliance.”

Korb explained that “failure to comply could risk federal financial aid funding for our students, and that is not an option.” She assured that the decision was not taken lightly and that the college will continue to, “focus on those actions that create a positive environment rather than on labels or words that could be misconstrued.” The closing of the Office of Inclusion and Belonging is effective immediately. More information will follow.

As highlighted by Read Lion earlier this month, JCCC’s 2024-25 budget for the office is $438,110. 

The following is the letter sent out to staff in its entirety:

JCCC Colleagues —

You may already be aware of recent federal requirements that call for the elimination of DEI and race-based considerations in federally-funded educational institutions — a category that includes JCCC.

While there is lingering uncertainty around the full impact, JCCC will comply with all federal requirements and ensure our admissions, hiring, resource allocations and scholarships are not out of compliance. Failure to comply could risk federal financial aid funding for our students, and that is not an option. To clear up any confusion about the work that we do at JCCC, it is in our best interest to disband the Office of Inclusion and Belonging, effective immediately.

Our response was not decided lightly, and it does not change our mission, our vision, or our values. JCCC will comply with the law while maintaining an environment where all students, faculty and staff are welcome, respected and supported. We will focus on those actions that create a positive environment rather than on labels or words that could be misconstrued.

As an open access institution, we must continue to do all we can to be a great choice for each student who comes to JCCC, and we remain committed to investing in our students’ success. 

I know you have questions – we all do. As we shaped our response, we worked with our Board of Trustees and our administration. We will share additional information as it becomes available and will offer appropriate opportunities for dialogue as we work through these changes together.

Judy Korb, PhD
JCCC Interim President





  1. Syed Jamal Uddin Avatar
    Syed Jamal Uddin

    America is a heterogenous society and it should maintain its heterogeneity. American colleges and universities are the Athens of the country and all efforts should be made to keep them like that. They have the capacity to face the challenges that obstruct their educational goals.

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