The updated NPS site for Stonewall now reads, “Before the 1960s, almost everything about living openly as a lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB) person was illegal, but the events at the Stonewall Inn sparked fresh momentum for the LGB civil rights movement!”
Lenexa resident Stephen Kaspar, has been on a mission to have Kansas join 20 other states in finally having the right to be able to have these lovable creatures as pets.
If you’re a particularly empathic person, you could see the good of USAID, providing help to places where there is a need. Now maybe it’s the 13 years of Catholic School in me, but I see helping the less fortunate to be one of the greatest acts any person could make.
Editor in Chief Elizabeth Taylor. I was at work when I first got the call from Mike Humprhey and was not able to answer, but when I called him back before I went home for the evening, I was offered the job. At that moment, I never could have imagined where we would be now. …
Editor’s Note: All Opinion articles reflect the opinion of the writer only, not The Messenger or Johnson County Community College. JCCC students interested in writing for The Messenger’s Opinion page can contact us at Today I watched some videos. Some were nonsense conspiracies. Others were videos of Sonic the Hedgehog singing in chinese. Riley…
“The Democratic Party and everything that they stand for is so pro abortion, pro homosexual, pro gun control. And I’m a Kansan. We are conservative.” This was the dramatic opening of the 2008 film, “What’s a Matter with Kansas?” and brash as this statement may be, for decades now this is how much of the…