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Metro Kansas City Model United Nations (2025)

Posted by on November 2, 2021

Metro Kansas City Model United Nations (MKCMUN) conference scheduled for Wednesday April 2, 2025 at Yardley Hall and Regnier Center on the JCCC campus.

Next year’s conference will be Wednesday April 1, 2026 MKCMUN conference
Wednesday March 31, 2027 MKCMUN conference
Wednesday April 5, 2028 MKCMUN conference

It is my distinct pleasure to cordially invite you to the Metro Kansas City Model United Nations Conference (MKCMUN). MKCMUN is a complex simulation which can provide a rewarding educational experience for High and Middle school participants. By simulating the structure and operations of the United Nations, MKCMUN gives its participants the opportunity to experience the international milieu that the diplomats experience themselves. To this end, groups of students are assigned to serve as the delegations from a particular country to selected committees of the United Nations. Members of each delegation familiarize themselves with all aspects of their country – political, social, and economic. Then within the framework of the MUN they work to represent their country’s policies and attain solutions to contemporary international problems. The success or failure of their representation depends upon the delegate’s understanding. The MUN delegate must understand why his or her country follows certain policies.

The purpose of the MKCMUN is to advance knowledge and understanding of the international system and to highlight the eternal search for consensus as a necessary factor for international peace and security in today’s world. In addition, the MKCMUN provides for its participants a working knowledge of other countries and the relationships between these countries. Hopefully, the insights gained through this simulation will be applied to the very real problems confronting our world today, and in the years to come.

The Metro Kansas City Model United Nations (MKCMUN) will be a one day face to face masks are optional and will be provided. Registration:

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