Green Works Volunteer Opportunity

Green Works in Kansas City is an agency that excels at environmental education and workforce development for urban youth. In creating partnerships that open doors for their students they aim to positively impact their futures. They educate students about the environment with project-based learning and meaningful service projects. They provide job skill training, financial literacy and paid summer internships to prepare their students for life after high school. And they involve their students in educational initiatives in their neighborhoods.

I received this email from them today:

“We are halfway through the Green Works Excelerate class (career readiness program) and we have another volunteer opportunity you might be interested in.

We are seeking volunteers to help with an upcoming Excelerate class from 3:45 to 5 pm on Thursday, April 11.

Tamika Doolin, our instructor, has planned for a Mock Job Fair in which students will rotate to each volunteer seeking feedback on their resume, personal brand pitch and share what career field/job(s) they are interested in.

Class begins at 3 pm, but as noted above, volunteers don’t need to arrive until 3:45 pm. You are welcome to come at 3 pm if you want to hear what the students are doing in class prior to the Mock Job Fair. Class ends promptly at 5 pm.”

If you’re interested, contact Elaine Warren at

Happy Volunteering!

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