JCCC Kindness Challenge

Calling all JCCC students and employees! Check out the JCCC Kindness Challenge below! If you are not formally connected with JCCC, I hope you’ll still be inspired by this challenge and maybe start one of your own.

JCCC Kindness Challenge

The staff, faculty, and students of JCCC have already done amazing things to give back to their communities during this crisis. Kindness is so important to keeping our community strong during this time of need. Let’s keep it up!

Honors and Community-Based Learning has teamed up with the JCCC Kindness Club to propose a challenge. How many acts of kindness can JCCC do by the end of the (current) Kansas City stay-at-home order – May 15th? Let’s reach 100 acts!

Below is a list of ideas. We hope many of these acts are already integrated in your routine; if not, here is an incentive to spread kindness in your community in small ways. If you do any act of kindness from the list or beyond, send me an email (tkaraim@jccc.edu)! I will keep track of all of our good deeds and reveal the final tally after the deadline! Feel free to send me pictures as well or post on Social Media (#JCCCKidnessChallenge). Follow Community-Based Learning for updates on the challenge on Instagram – @jccc_cbl.

Please only do the tasks that are safe, healthy, and feasible for YOU.


  • Send a letter to someone in need
  • Safehome – Notes of encouragement for clients and direct service staff at Safehome can help spread some love! Letters can be mailed to Safehome, PO Box 4563, Overland Park, KS 66204-0563.
  • Santa Marta – Become a pen pal to a senior citizen. Reach out to Rachel Schuckman for more information: rschuckman@santamartaretirement.com
  • Make masks to give to friends, neighbors, or local hospitals
    • Click here for instructions on how to make your own mask
  • Send food to medical, emergency, or any essential workers
  • Call your grandparents!
  • Give blood
    • Two agencies to give blood at in Kansas City are the Red Cross or Community Blood Centers
  • Donate to local organizations
    • Here’s a great list of organizations making a difference in KC right now
  • Volunteer at a food pantry
    • Harvesters is a great place to start. Here’s a link to their list of food pantries.
  • Volunteer remotely
    • Subscribe to this blog and keep checking back for new ideas!
  • Leave notes or treats for delivery drivers
  • Write encouraging messages with sidewalk chalk
  • Advocate for an agency on social media
  • Support local businesses by buying gift cards
  • Buy groceries for a family in need 
  • Leave a nice tip at a local restaurant 
  • Send/leave a kind note to a neighbor 
  • Go for a walk and pick up trash along the way 
  • Create an appreciation post for someone

Let Tara Karaim know if you have questions at tkaraim@jccc.edu. Let’s do this!

One Reply to “JCCC Kindness Challenge”

  1. My family and I have accepted this challenge.
    Look for
    #GoodwinGroupKindness post on social media

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