Cherith Brook Catholic Worker

The next Cherith Brook work day is coming up on October 12 from 9am-12pm. They will put you to work sorting food/clothing, cooking, cleaning, organizing, gardening, etc. and then feed you lunch.

When you go, you could also bring a donation! Their current needs are:

  • smaller underwear (men and women)
  • small men’s jeans
  • sugar/creaner
  • tennis shoes (men’s & women’s)
  • one-ride bus passes
  • OTC seasonal meds
  • big bottles body wash
  • TP
  • reading glasses
  • razors
  • big bottles shampoo/conditioner
  • Basmati rice
  • quinoa

If you can’t come on the work day, you can also come on Monday, Tuesday or Thursday mornings.  They welcome new volunteers any of these days, starting at 8am. They could also use help making the breakfast the night before those mornings. If you and/or a small group want to work together to make a yummy meal, email or leave a message at  816-241-8047.

Happy Volunteering!

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