Safehome provides a healing atmosphere where survivors of domestic violence can gain inner strength, build self-esteem, explore options, and establish a life free of violence. Safehome’s mission is to break the cycle of domestic violence and partner abuse for victims and their children by providing shelter, advocacy, counseling, and prevention education in our community.
Safehome, now more than ever, is in need of support. Many of the clients they serve are part of populations that are being impacted particularly hard by Covid-19 restrictions. Increased safety concerns and added economic pressure to already poor financial situations is, unfortunately, the reality for some families in the community.
They would greatly appreciate your support to help sustain resources for outreach clients, residents and children relying on Safehome during this difficult time. Donate now here.
If you are unable to give monetarily during this time, notesof encouragement for clients and direct service staff at Safehome is another way that you can help out and spread some love!
Notes and letters can be mailed to Safehome, PO Box 4563, Overland Park, KS 66204-0563.
Let’s spread some hope and encouragement during this difficult time. Sending a positive message and letting someone know you care can truly go a long way in uplifting them! We’re all in this together.