Composition I
This Honors Contract can be taken concurrently or sequentially (the semester immediately following the semester the course is taken) with the following:
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Course Title: Hon: Composition I Course #: ENGL 121H
Author of Contract: Maureen Fitzpatrick Hours Credit: 1
In addition to satisfying the normal objectives and competencies of the course, the student must complete, in the honors course, the following objectives to accomplish a higher level of scholastic work.
- To employ a variety of methods for exploring topics, including field research.
- To reflect on and synthesize research, readings and experiences into thoughtful prose with a controlling idea and appropriate mode of organization.
- To develop a clear voice and personal style, sense of purpose, skill in writing reader-based prose for audiences other than the classroom, and skills in editing and revising
- To utilize critical thinking and writing skills that transcend into other college courses and into life situations.
Total number of written polished words: 1500-2000.
Students will begin the semester by collaborating with the instructor concerning the types of research and writing that he/she will conduct to produce the final project.
- Write a text based on research (field or otherwise).
- Select and read a non-fiction book with themes or styles of interest to the student and/or relevant to the student’s project.
- Maintain a log of readings, writing process, observations and so on. Write a 250-500 reflective essay/review of the book selected.
- Punctual attendance at all scheduled meetings
- Discussions in which students actively participate with one another and the instructor.
- Discussions of reading material and critical analysis of chapters assigned per meeting
- Independence in completing assignments but willingness to seek help from the instructor when necessary.
- Completion of all written work.
Grading Criteria:
- Thorough development, logical organization, effective expression and competent mechanics.
- Appropriateness of writing for particular rhetorical purpose and audience.
- Application of critical thinking skills in selecting and synthesizing facts when informing and persuading.
- Completeness of reading logs.
Evaluated Work:
One paper 50-80%
Reading log for book 10-30%
Final reflection on readings 10-25%
Grading Scale:
Written assignments will receive point grades according to the following scale:
A+ = 100 B+ = 88 C+ = 78 D+ = 68 F= 0-59
A = 95 B = 85 C = 75 D = 65
A- = 90 B- = 80 C- = 70 D- = 60