Author Archives: dfdavis

JCCC Journalism Students Participate in Media Literacy Workshop (via Zoom)

Last Wednesday, the JCCC Journalism students participated in a three-hour Media Literacy Workshop (via Zoom) with students from Park University and Center High School.  Speakers included journalists from the KC Star and from European news organizations, as well as American … Continue reading

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Reynolds’ Poem Published

Tom Reynolds’ poem “Cage Fighter” is included in the “Teaching Issue” (Volume 36, Issue 2) of Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature. It appears in the section “Women, Poems, Sport,” featuring works from several poets, including former U.S. Poet Laureate Rita … Continue reading

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Cryer’s Panel Proposal Accepted

Dan Cryer’s panel proposal was accepted to the 2021Conference on College Composition and Communication conference. The title of his panel is “Writing Programs and the Climate Crisis: Cases Studies of Institutional Ecologies, Sustainability, and Ecocomposition.” Dr. Cryer will discuss the history of student involvement … Continue reading

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Danny Alexander Presents

Date: 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM, October 7, 2020 Location: Online   JCCC’s Great Books Mini-Lecture Series will host a virtual speaker Oct. 7 about Salem’s Lot by Stephen King. Get a glimpse into “the great books” that impact readers’ … Continue reading

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Dan Cryer Publishes Article

Dan’s article on concealed carry, “The Good Man Shooting Well: Authoritarian Submission and Aggression in the ‘Gun-Citizen,’” is in the current issue of Rhetoric Society Quarterly. Here’s the link: It’s paywalled, but if anyone is interested in reading it … Continue reading

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