Author Archives: jmcward

Jones Presenting for Noon at Nerman

Nathan Jones, professor of English, discussed Fifty-Five Trees at Sunset for the Noon at the Nerman at noon on Friday, Oct. 25.   This painting, by Benjamin Butler, is located in the atrium area between the Regnier Center and the Nerman Museum. … Continue reading

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Careers in Sports Broadcasting

The Journalism and Media Communications Department is sponsoring a media panel on careers in sports broadcasting.  The panel will feature Mitch Holthus, voice of the Kansas City Chiefs, Ryan Lefebvre, TV and radio announcer for the Kansas City Royals, and … Continue reading

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Senter Presents at Once Upon an Artifact

At 7:15 p.m. on Sept. 17, Marilyn Senter, professor of English, will present on American School Primers as part of the “Once Upon an Artifact” event at the Johnson County Arts and Heritage Center.  Here is a summary of Senter’s … Continue reading

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Cantwell Reviews Burns’s Country Music in New Yorker

In the New Yorker online, David Cantwell, adjunct professor of English, reviews Ken Burns’s 16-hour PBS documentary, Country Music. Cantwell’s thorough review, titled “Ken Burns’s Delightful ‘Country Music’ Gets the Big Things Mostly Right,” summarizes the some of the most significant … Continue reading

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Workman Story Published

Adjunct Professor Craig Workman‘s piece “Hallibray’s Riverbank Time” was accepted for a three-author novelette titled Treasure Chest. The book is set to be published in hard-copy by Scarlet Leaf Press out of Toronto, and will be released in late-fall.

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