Beth Gulley Featured in JCCC Story

Beth Gulley, professor of English, was recently featured in a JCCC story on the college’s website. “Partnering with Pakistan: JCCC President Shares Community Colleges Best Practices” summarizes Joe Sopcich and Gulley’s recent trip to Pakistan in January.  Gulley presented on developmental education while in Pakistan and was impressed with how Pakistan schools are working to support women.  The article quotes her as saying, “Our colleagues in Pakistan are committed to helping their students.  For me, one of the big takeaways was their interest in educating women and helping them find careers.  Particularly in this area the schools are doing a lot to support and prepare women for the future.  It was a humbling privilege for just to go see how hard they work to make their society better.”  As part of our “First Friday” English meetings, Gulley will give a presentation over her Pakistan visit at 2pm on Friday, March 2, in the Co-Lab.

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