Category Archives: Publications

Matthew Schmeer’s Recent Poetry Publications

Matthew Schmeer, professor of English, has recently published the following poems: “this morning the chill” appeared in The Gyroscope Revew 18.1 ( “Me & Alfred Roanoke, #21” appeared in The St. Louis Review ( “Dear Carol” appeared in Poetry South … Continue reading

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David Cantwell reviews Bastard Out of Carolina for New Yorker

In November, David Cantwell published an essay on Dorothy Allison’s Bastard Out of Carolina, as part of the New Yorker‘s Second Read Series.  Cantwell’s essay, titled “An Essential Novel About Poverty, Bigotry, and Sexual Abuse, Twenty-Five Years Later,” considers the major themes of … Continue reading

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Dan Murtaugh’s recent publication: Good Night, Beloved Comrade

In February, 2017, The University of Wisconsin Press published Good Night Comrade: The Letters of Denton Welch to Eric Oliver, edited by Dan Murtaugh, adjunct professor of English.   Here is some information that Dan provided about the subject of his … Continue reading

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