Peace and Justice Institute Academy

“We Teach Who We Are” – Parker J. Palmer

The Peace and Justice Institute offers this unique and powerful experience to teachers administrators, staff, counselors and SAFE coordinators working in Pre-K through higher education with the goal of creating more inclusive, respectful, compassionate and loving classrooms and citizens. The teacher academy model is based upon ten years of collaboration with leading scholars in the field of peace studies including Dr. Peggy McIntosh, Dr. Beverly Tatum, Dr. George Lopez, Dr. Michael Nagler, Elaine Sullivan, Emily Style, and Dr. Alma Abdul-Hadi Jadallah. The academy pairs their insights and practices with local PJI experts to create peaceable and inclusive classrooms for all students.


Faculty Development has funds to send three full-time faculty members to this year’s academy, June 8-12, 2020.  If you’re interested in attending, please complete this application.