“Where’s the … “

Wheres the ...

The library veterans call it air traffic control.

The first few weeks of the semester we spend most of our time directing students to the restrooms, Student Center, Testing Center, Writing Center and just about any other “center” on campus (except the center of a Tootsie Roll pop, which is where I will direct myself in a few moments).

Anyone walking into the library is likely to catch us pointing (sorry, mom) to the “invisible” wooden doors on the staircase to the second floor. We call them invisible because no one seems to be able to see them unless we point to them like bird dogs.

So don’t worry if you see big Hispanic guy at the Infodesk extending a finger, it’s probably just me to telling you where to go … you know, on campus.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College