Book of the Day

I’m not old enough to know first-hand how the Bay of Pigs incident was handled in the United States.  I guess that shows something dangerous about history:  we depend on the historians to get it as accurate as possible.  This is why I have to look at a work like Howard Shore’s Bay of Pigs as a book of research conducted to best explain facts.  What was found, though, is pretty disturbing.  JFK authorizing assassination of Fidel Castro?  Sending back Cuban exiles to attack while the US Military withholds support in order to mask their involvement?  That’s some heavy cloak-and-dagger business, and the more I find out, the more scared I am.  You may recall earlier reports reflecting my fear of nuclear apocalypse.  I’m kinda glad I missed the Cold War, but I’d feel like I was committing quite the disservice by not finding out as much about American history as possible.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College