Book of the Day

A lot of things go wrong in the tech world.  Web pages crash.  Microsoft ads are created on Apple computers. You know how things can be.  One thing that might confuse you are the 4 entries for what appears to be the same book coming into the RSS Feed of new items.  Think again!  Actually, that’s a multi-volume set, The Encyclopedia of Global Warming & Climate Change, and it is here to ROCK YOU.  Or at least sway you to a greener life.

I actually think this book is perfect.  Somewhere between policitcal gobbledygook and activist buzzwords, you may be lost on what the issues are, the arguments mean, and the definitions of the terms thrown around.  No matter how you feel on the issue, it can’t hurt to keep up on what people are fighting about.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College