When Financial News is Confusing, Our Library Responds

So, with all of the talk about Bernie Madoff, financial bailouts, and other scary things that got our economy into a nasty mess, a lot of people have been left saying “…wait, now what?” For example, you probably know that something that led us to this point was the use of hedge funds.  Or the creation of hedge funds.  You may not know what they did, but you know they exist.

Well, we’ve finally had a lot of books roll in recently to help straighten this business out.  150 Best Recession Proof Jobs helps examine options and careers worth pursuing during this time of layoffs, and books like Hedgefunds: an Analytic PerspectiveHedge Hunters, and Demon of our Own Design : Markets, Hedge Funds, and the Perils of Financial Innovation take a look at the ins and outs associated with this risky business and our failing market.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College