Ever Wonder What Pulitzer Did?

Check out Pulitzer: A Life in Politics, Print, and Power by James McGrath Morris. Find out about the life and times of Joseph Pulitzer, who in the early 1900s revolutionized the concept of mass-media. Follow the rise to wealth and the fall to depression of this American immigrant icon.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College

2 thoughts on “Ever Wonder What Pulitzer Did?”

  1. Thank you for your kind posting about my new book. I am a strong supporter of community colleges and am thrilled to know the book is in your collection.
    James McGrath Morris

  2. No problem! Sorry the write up is so short; your book was actually chosen to be a test post for a new front page Feature Box integration (an active mock up is viewable at http://bit.ly/9cemU2 ), otherwise we would have written a little more and thrown in a larger cover image. Very cool book!

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