Second Chances: We’re All About Them

Look, we know that some people come to JCCC to rebuild from a past they’re not necessarily proud of.

That’s OK. In fact, I’m encouraged by every single student that walks through our door hoping to make their life better.

So let’s say you’ve got a few marks on your legal record. Part of the social contract is that when you’re out, we as an institution don’t really care about what has happened; it’s our job to get you back on your feet.

It is why we have books like Best Jobs for Ex-Offenders.  If you, a friend, or a loved one is in what sports teams call “The Rebuilding Phase,” then it might be worth figuring out what career paths JCCC can lead you to. Flipping through this book will hopefully help you realize that the scope of a professional future aren’t as narrow as it may seem.

Author: bbaile14

Assistant Professor / Digital Projects Librarian for Johnson County Community College