Your Book of the Day is Down in the Water

So our system for adding new books to the catalog is back on track, and our catalogers (cataloggers?  I think those are lumberjack librarians…) have added about seventy new books for me to peruse.  So today’s book, we’ll go with something timely.


Ah, yes.  Flight and American Airports.  Luckily, one of the many books that’s been waiting to reach you patrons is Terminal chaos : why US air travel is broken and how to fix it by George L. Donohue (and friends).

They’re seasoned veterans in the commercial flight industry, and take the time to break down the problems of increased flight demand, safety concerns, lost luggage, and airplane safety.  Moreover, our complacency with the lack of safety.  Yes, the plane landed in water last week.  Yay.  For real.  Good.  I’m happy, and you should be, too.  However, no one seems to be letting go of the feel good side of the story and realize that you don’t have to take this.  Lazy legislation and complacency from the public have left airlines a lot more dangerous than they should be, and this book shows how this can be addressed, and in a timely manner nonetheless.  Hopefully, before March, as I’ve got a plane to catch.