Book of the Day vs. Cows

Fact: I don’t eat meat.  I’m not lauding it, I don’t care, and I’m not part of a radical movement to free the bovine.  However, I’m flipping through today’s BotD: Introduction to Animal Science: Global, Biological, Social, and Industry Perspectives, and it appears that in my brief time perusing the item, I’ve encountered the food industry, and lots of bovine.  For real, I think I’ve opened up to more cows than any book I’ve ever touched.  But look at that cover!  Adorable!

Despite my observations, it does not completely adhere to the food industry (or moo-ing animals).  It has a lot of graphical information which is researched and cited.  It also goes into the history of domesticating animals, service, environmental issues… But if you’re simple like me, there are a lot of color pictures of puppies (puppies!!) and rabbits (bunnies!!).

So pick it up for the education (and bunnies!).