Have you seen our new Egypt Literature Guide?

So I imagine you’ve heard about this little piece of news to have come out of Egypt recently… Their president Mubarak was in power for 30 years. In that time, there have been many generations of Egyptians who have felt the impact of that regime, and plenty of authors who’ve created works about their experiences.

Leave it to Professor Emeritus and Librarian Andrea Kempf to put together a guide to help you find some of these works. We highly recommend you check out her LibGuide, Egyptian Fiction from in the 20th and Early 21st Century.

Charles Lane thinks the death penalty is unfair & wants to save it

Weird, huh? Charle Lane’s new book takes a hard look at a controversial subject, capital punishment, and concludes that it is racially biased, poorly implemented, and in need of reform.  Most of the time when you hear an argument start like that, somebody is looking to get rid of it. Stay of Execution: Saving the Death Penalty from Itself, on the other hand, hopes to convince readers that we need to preserve the death penalty through a complete overhaul.

Surely a book to incite debate and strong opinions, we recommend you check it out.