Leading Academic Change

Faculty chairs are a new thing at JCCC, so there’s still some realizing that needs to take place about what the job can entail.  So grabbing a book like today’s BotD, Leading Academic Change: Essential Roles for Departmental Chairs by Ann F. Lucas (and friends), can only help. The library is currently creating LibGuides for this and other faculty-related concerns, which will appear in the Education section when available. There are, of course, tons of resources in there for students, as well, so hit up our LibGuides for some quality readers advisory and subject-based reference!

Campus Assessment: It’s On!

There’s a big push to implement assessment on this campus, and while you might think this only concerns faculty, students can play a very important part in this. How are we to know what we’re awful at without students letting us know? How can we tell what’s improving unless we know how bad it started?  Student input is so essential, and if you have any interest in what we’re trying to get done here, you can always flip through a book like Educational Assessment in the 21st Century.

Of course, if you’re a faculty member, these materials are critical to establishing a positive environment for assessment on campus.  For that, check out our LibGuides for a run-down on our material.

For All the Faculty Mentors and Mentees

You may be a faculty mentor, or perhaps have one.  My faculty mentor was awesome, and I hope yours is, too.  If you are on either side of this relationship and struggling for things to talk about or ways to handle it, check out our new book: Faculty Success Through Mentoring : A Guide for Mentors, Mentees, and Leaders. It’s probably for the best.

And mentees: make your mentor buy you coffee! A lot happens over coffee.