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Conference Schedule and details

The Metro Kansas City Model United Nations (MKCMUN) will be a one day 8:30-5:15 p.m. on a Wednesday April 2, 2025.

MKCMUN Organization

The MKCMUN is sponsored and conducted by the JCCC Political Science Department and the JCCC United Nations team.


Schedule (tentative)

JCCC Regnier Center


Every effort has been made to make the schedule conform to the typical high school schedule. This is a compressed schedule and we ask that everyone be on time.




April 2, 2025
7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Registration
Light breakfast served 
MTC Lobby
9:15 – 4:30 p.m. Home Government
Regnier Center (RC)
8:30-9:00 a.m.
Opening session. MTC Yardley Hall
MTC Yardley Hall
Password Wifi login password: 

GA Plenary Committee

General Education Building (GEB)
9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
LUNCH Break 12:30-1:30

GEB 233

GA1st. Committee

Mid-West Trust Center (MTC)

9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
LUNCH Break 12:30-1:30

MTC 211

GA2nd Committee
Regnier Center (RC)
9:15 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
LUNCH Break 12:30-1:30

RC Cap Fed. 101C/B

GA3rd. Committee
Regnier Center (RC)
9:15 a.m. -12:30 p.m.
LUNCH Break 12:30-1:30

RC Cap. Fed. 101 D/A

Security Council
Regnier Center (RC) 175
9:15 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
LUNCH Break 12:30-1:30

RC 175 
Faculty Luncheon
12:30 to 1:30 Regnier Center 270
Cube RC 270
1:30 to 4:30 p.m.
Afternoon Sessions
rooms same as above
4:45-5:15 p.m. Closing Session and Awards
MidWest Trust Center 
MTC Yardley Hall

MKCMUN Director/Coordinator at JCCC. He is also faculty advisor to the JCCC United Nations and has the prepared prize-winning team for competitions at major college-level model UNs for several years. Dr. Wright is published in the area of transnational relations and inter-governmental organizations. As an undergraduate he was active participant in Model United Nations with Duquesne University and previous to JCCC the Model UN advisor for Western Carolina University Model UN team from 1999-2002. Dr. Wright has developed a Model UN course POLS 200 at the college to assist JCCC students with their Model UN preparations.

Secretary General –
JCCC Model UN is staffed by JCCC undergraduates who work to make the conference an exciting and innovative experience.


Simulation Participation Fees

We are very concerned about keeping your expenses to a minimum. Therefore, the participation fee will be $50 per delegation.


Simulations and Topics: See 



Students are on their own. JCCC Food court is available. Have students either bring their own lunch or $10 to purchase their lunch at Food court. See details at:
BLVD Burgers & Chicken, Firehouse Subs, Pizza Hut, Sushi with Gusto


Delegation SIZE

We want to provide participants with a quality educational experience. Delegation size will be (4+) one delegate for the 4 committees, an additional delegate if on the Security Council. If you do not have a security council allowed 4 students. 



Expectations of Delegates


Delegates are expected to conduct themselves, at all times, in a manner befitting international diplomats. This means that every courtesy, wear face masks, both in speaking and behavior, is to be extended to all representatives, faculty, guests, committee chairs and conference staff. MKCMUN reserves the right to expel any delegate not acting in a courteous and professional fashion. Please see committee etiquette


The Dress Code Guidelines are as follows 

Women: Standard female delegate attire for the conference is business jacket, skirt or slacks, button blouse, and dress shoes. Shirts that expose excessive bare skin on the chest, stomach or are otherwise revealing are inappropriate. Clothes that reveal undergarments are inappropriate.

Men: Standard male delegate attire for the conference is business jacket, slacks, button down shirt with tie and dress shoes. Shirts that expose excessive bare skin on the chest, stomach or are otherwise revealing are inappropriate. Clothes that reveal undergarments are inappropriate. Facial hair should be shaved or trimmed neatly. Dress sweaters are generally considered too casual, as well as shorts, ball caps, jeans, sneakers and sunglasses.

Please contact us with any questions you may have, and we hope you will join us in April for an unforgettable experience. On behalf of JCCC, we look forward to seeing you at MKCMUN.


Rules, Resolutions, and Position Papers

We know there is a great deal of concern over the complicated rules used at Model United Nations. We have made every effort to simplify the rules. More rule details can be found by clicking below.

Position papers are an element of judging in selecting the overall team awards. In order for a team to be considered for an overall award the team must have submitted a complete position paper package (one per each committee on which that country is seated), the papers must be in the prescribed format, and the package must have been received by us by 12:00 noon on Tuesday March 25, 2025-*** Please email position papers to 

We need papers in Microsoft word format. Do not send via Google Docs. 

Please note that MKCMUN no longer requires nor allows pre-submitted resolutions. Resolutions should be developed by delegates in committee.



Contact information
Dr. Brian Wright
Box 36
Johnson County Community College
12345 College Blvd.
Overland Park, KS 66210-1299
Phone 913-469-8500  4266




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