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School participation 2025 List

Country Assignments
Please note the listing parenthesis related to if a country is on (SC) Security Council
All countries are assigned to

One delegate or student per committee


Academie Lafayette – Dominican Republic, Italy, Mexico 


Battle High School: 


Blue Valley High – Guyana (SC), Iran, Malaysia, Zambia


Blue Valley North – 

Blue Valley Northwest – 

Blue Valley West: – Belgium, Finland, United Arab Emirates 

Blue Valley Southwest –

Central High School – China (SC), Saudi Arabia, Israel, Indonesia

De Soto High – Russia (SC), Norway 

East High School – Spain, Congo, Portugal 


Hickman High School Columbia, MO – 


Highland Park, KS – 


Lansing High School – 


Leavenworth High School – Malta (SC), Hungary, Jordan 


Liberty High School: 


Liberty North:  


Mill Creek Ireland,
Lexington Trails – 


Mill Valley High School – United Kingdom (SC), Nigeria, Ukraine, North Korea, 


Park Hill Lead Innovation:  

Park Hill South: 

Olathe North High- Mozambique (SC) South Korea (SC), Ireland, Cuba, Venezuela 

Rock Bridge High:  United States (SC), Poland, India, 
Rockhurst: – 
St. Pius X – Japan (SC), Kenya, Germany, Greece, Egypt, Costa Rica. 
St. Teresa’s Academy – 

Saint Thomas Aquinas – Algeria (SC), New Zealand, Colombia

Summit Academy – France (SC), Morocco, Brazil, Sweden 

Shawnee Mission School District:
Trailridge: Netherlands, Argentina, Turkey, Tanzania, Australia
Indian Woods: Chile, Austria, Peru
Westridge: Uganda, Ivory Coast, South Africa
Indian Hills: Philippines, Thailand, Luxembourg, Singapore, Mongolia, Canada

Sumner Academy – 

Summit Tech. Academy – 



Union High School – 



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