BREAKING: Students of the college will be able to finish associate degree at K-State


By Julius Williams

A new proposed transfer agreement between Kansas State University and the college will give students the option to finish their associate degree while studying at K-State.

Under the new reverse transfer agreement, transfer students with at least 45 credit hours will be able to complete the remaining 19 hours needed to earn an associate degree by taking classes at K-State. The 19 credit hours will count both toward the K-State undergraduate degree and the JCCC associate degree.

The arrangement is expected to provide a better, more streamlined transfer process for students and increase the number of students that earn associate degrees here at the college.

College president Terry Calaway and K-State president Kirk Schulz are expected to sign the formal agreement this afternoon and if finalized, the agreement will go into effect this semester.

“This is a big deal for both the institutions and the students of the state of Kansas,” Calaway said in a press release issued by the college. “It’s a win-win for both.”

Contact Julius Williams at



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