Professor to run for state senate


By Jessica Skaggs

One of the college’s own may soon be in the statehouse.

Molly Baumgardner, associate professor and adviser to ECAV Radio and JCAV-TV, will be a candidate to represent the 37th district in the Kansas State Senate. Baumgardner decided to put her hat in after senator Pat Apple was appointed to the Kansas Corporate Commission by governor Sam Brownback.

“I knew that Pat was receiving this distinct honor of the nomination from the governor,” she said. “I had worked quite a bit on his campaign two years ago, so obviously there was going to be a void, but there were political leaders that approached me and indicated they were interested in supporting me for the race and so that’s what led to my decision.”

Baumgardner, who served on the college’s Board of Trustees for 18 years, said it is that experience, paired with her work in the corporate and political field, that make her capable of dealing with the tough issues in Johnson and Miami counties.

“One of the things that I’ve seen over the years in my involvement in the political arena as well as in the education field and my corporate work is that you really can’t do enough as far as communication,” she said. “If you look at the issues that the senate legislature has dealt with this past session and prior session, you’ll find that they have to do with education and with business and industry, healthcare and underserved groups of people […] and those are all issues that either through my employment, through my prior elections, through my community service; those are all things that I’ve done and that I’ve been very successful at and have always had that leadership role.”

Baumgardner and her husband, who also teaches at the college, have a long history in local state and regional politics, whether it be through service on various committee memberships, to offering advice to top political leaders.

“Every campaign cycle we get lots of phone calls,” she said. “One piece of advice we give folks is you need to know personally why it is you want to do this. Why you are wanting to enter into politics. Because it certainly isn’t a choice for the faint at heart.”

Additionally, Baumgardner said good leaders need to be not just problem-solvers, but listeners and learners. That way, she said, you have a better understanding of what your voters think needs fixing.

“The most important quality [in a perfect candidate] is to be a good listener,” she said. “As I’ve gone out to visit with precinct folks, it isn’t so much for me to tell them who I am and what my ideas are, but it’s been to listen to them and what are their concerns are. I don’t know every detail, but I certainly know how to find the answers and how to do my research. And so to be a good listener, to listen to the concerns of others, you look and listen to what are different ways that several organizations could solve the problems and you listen to those who know more and you have that discernment. And I think that’s important for a leader.”

Apple resigned with two years left, and is now looking forward to Baumgardner’s campaign.

“I’m thankful [Baumgardner] is wanting to run,” Apple said. “I think she will do a great job.”

Ultimately, Baumgardner looks forward to the opportunity to represent her community.

“What I’ve brought to business industry and education, I will also be taking to Topeka,” she said. “I personally see this senate seat as an opportunity to serve others.”

The precinct election will take place April 21. Later this year, the primary and general elections will be held Aug. 5 and Nov. 4.

*The college president’s office declined to comment about Baumgardner’s campaign. 

Contact Jessica Skaggs, managing editor, at



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