A Campus Ledger Instagram poll asked students for their opinions on the final exam schedule. Although the poll generated both pros and cons, more students agreed that the schedule was understandable and did not mess up too many people’s finals week. 18 students voted in the poll, with 67% of students agreeing with the final exam schedule and 33% disagreeing with it. Two Campus Ledger staff members, Jake Twigg, sports editor, and Charles Hjortshoj, staff videographer, offer their opinions in the editorials below.
Pro Opinion – Jake Twigg, sports editor
Like most students, I tend to get nervous around final exam time. I like to think those nerves are a good thing, a sign of investment in my education and not just a sign that I’ve put off studying until the day before an exam. Luckily, I know when I can procrastinate, as JCCC’s final exam schedule tells me exactly when my exams are.
This three-page, color-coded pdf document is a google search away for all students; or, it can be requested from a school counselor. Heck, the school has already released the Spring finals schedule!
Within this document, the first thing students learn is that final exam week takes place from Tuesday, Dec 6, to Monday, Dec 12. Just below that header, the school lists any exceptions to the schedule. These can include hybrid courses and laboratory or practical exams.
This organizational choice reflects JCCC’s commitment to keeping students informed and in the loop with university policy.
The fact that a student has the right to not have more than two exams in the same day is amazing. It shows that the college puts students first in their education plan.
The university was audacious enough to list their final exam schedule in two formats. The first version breaks down the final exam times by class type, such as listing all of the Tuesday/Thursday class exam times in one section. This allows students to quickly identify when their exams take place. The second section presents the schedule in calendar form. This format is great for visual learners and students who like putting everything into Google Calendar.
Did I mention the schedule is printable? This alone puts it leagues ahead of colleges, like KU and K-State. As a result, I’m able to take the exam schedule around with me wherever I go, which always a bonus.
It is clear to me JCCC thought of everything when they designed this schedule. It might not be artsy or sleek, but it is down-to-earth and informative. For me, that’s enough.
Con Opinion – Charles Hjortshoj, staff videographer
After looking over the convoluted and confusing schedule, I feel more lost and confused as to where I am supposed to be on what day than before I even knew there was a schedule.
I’ve shown the schedule to several students at JCCC and other colleges, and all of them have felt confused by it.
The grid layout jumps between each day and doesn’t effectively communicate on what day one is required to take an exam. The finals extend meeting times, which can overlap people’s already busy schedules.
For example, a class that normally meets from 9:00 am to 9:50 am is now taking place from 9:00 am to 10:50 am. An hour-long extension to every class can mess with students’ schedules, forcing them to reschedule social events or take off work in order to attend their final. For some, this is a more challenging task because they rely on work for their livelihood.
Overall, the schedule is hard to look at and even harder to understand. This is an area that can affect all aspects of people’s lives, so I think it needs to be as understandable to as many people as possible.
Abby Rinehart, news editor, Jake Twigg, sports editor, and Charles Hjortshoj, staff videographer