Happy Halloween week! The Campus Ledger kicks off the annual week of Halloween stories today. We hope that everyone enjoys a safe and spooky week. Halloween is this Saturday, but before that day comes, there are some safety precautions to be aware of before the celebrations begin.
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) put out a list of guidelines for celebrating Halloween. The KDHE is not recommending Trick-or-treating or any trunk-or-treat events because of the difficulty to stay sanitary and to keep crowds to a minimum. However, if you choose to celebrate the holiday with some trick or treating the KDHE suggests wearing a face mask correctly for anyone over the age of 2, carrying hand sanitizer and using it often during the event and staying 6 feet away from other people and families. They also warn houses to not use a “grab bowl” where children reach into a communal bowl of candy.
The KDHE has recommended doing online events are a car parade to maintain social distancing and to stay safe. Small gatherings should be held outside and should continue to have social distancing. Luckily, it looks like the weather will cooperate for Saturday.
Per KDHE recommendations, Halloween parties should not be happening this year. If you must throw a party, wear a mask, practice social distancing and stay outside as much as possible. The KDHE also says to ask guests if they have been feeling ill or have been in contact with COVID-19 prior to the celebration and to wash hands and use hand sanitizer often.
On top of the new guidelines and rules for Halloween, people should remember the general guidelines as well. Don’t go trick-or-treating alone, use sidewalks, make sure drivers can see you and stay with your group wherever you go.
Happy Halloween and stay safe!
By Gracyn Shulista