Reduce, reuse, recycle. Sustainable and compostable. The Center for Sustainability’s “Earth Days” is finally here again.
This year the center has put together a wide variety of activities to celebrate Earth Day this week, including an event that will be happening on campus, which the center could not do last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the campus closing. Of course, these on campus events will had with the necessary precautions.
“It’s all safely socially distanced, it’s all outside,” Kristy Howell, sustainability education and engagement coordinator, said. “The on-campus face to face events aren’t exactly face to face. So that’s the message for the earth chalk art event. Those are like, come by when you want, but you have to have a mask on.”
For the students and faculty that are not wanting to head to the college or want to take part in activities with friends and family outside of campus, there is a list of online activities that have been put together that you can do on your own time, including the Photo Scavenger Hunt hosted by the Student Environmental Alliance. The hunt will include winners and prizes.
“All you have to do is go out to your favorite park and start taking photos of the different wildlife you can find,” Joshua Leone, a student leader for the Student Environmental Alliance, said. “Those who find the most variety, the most uncommon species, and the best photo, will all win a gift-card to REI.”
This week there will also be speakers and presentations that students are welcome to attend. Leone is excited for the Epicenter event, which is happening today at noon.
“As far as events go, I look forward to taking part in both the contests hosted by SEA and the student senate, but I am most excited for Epicenter on Monday from 12-2 p.m.,” Leon said. Michelle Wyman is an inspiration, and I can’t wait to hear from her.”
With Earth Days 2021 starting today, Howell hopes people that take part will remain hopeful about the future of the planet as well as actively participate.
“Participate in two or three of the events that we have going on and come away with a renewed sense of hope for their own futures, with a place or a space, where they see that they can do some good work, where they see that they can put their energy to good use,” Howell said. “Most importantly, see how they fit in to conversations about sustainability, not just on our campus, but in our community and our country.”
To see the full list of activities and to register for events for Earth Days 2021, click here.
If you are interested in getting involved with sustainability at the college, email Kristy Howell.
By Gracyn Shulista