Celebrate Earth Day with Bridging the Gap!

Happy Earth Day! We live on an incredible planet. I am sure that we have all experienced its beauty in some way and have felt appreciation for the splendor that surrounds us. Participating in sustainable measures is critical in allowing future generations to experience the same benefits and beauty of our earth.

One of the leading organizations in the Kansas City metro that focuses on environmental and sustainability issues we face today is Bridging The Gap.

If you are passionate about sustainability and want to do something to help take care of our amazing planet, consider volunteering with Bridging The Gap. In the midst of COVID-19, please only volunteer if you feel healthy and it is safe for you to leave your home.

Bridging The Gap (@BTG_KC) | TwitterBridging The Gap makes the well-being of their volunteers, staff, partners, and communities a top priority, during the COVID-19 outbreak and always. They are closely monitoring the situation and adapting volunteer workdays to reflect the latest guidelines from the CDC and local governments.

With that in mind, there are a couple ongoing opportunities to volunteer!

Volunteer at the Pleasant Valley Recycling Center

· Wednesday – Saturday
· 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Volunteer at the Red Bridge Recycling Center

· Wednesday – Saturday
· 9:00 am – 5:00 pm

Pick a location, a day and time that works for you and make a difference in the efforts of our community to live sustainably.

Visit Bridging The Gap’s website for further details on volunteering.

Hope Faith Ministries Volunteering

In honor of National Volunteer Week, here’s another great opportunity for you to give back! Please only do so if you feel healthy and it is safe for you leave your home.

Hope Faith Ministries works to alleviate homelessness and poverty in Kansas City, Missouri by providing basic necessities and assistance, as well as, providing critical services and programs to empower individuals experiencing homelessness and at-risk individuals to become self-sufficient and independent. Hope Faith Ministries is a non-denominational, Christian based organization that accomplishes this mission through a variety of programs and services.

Volunteer | Hope Faith Homeless Assistance Campus

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, volunteer opportunities with Hope Faith Ministries have changed. However, help is currently needed in the following areas:

Kitchen: Preparing food and packaging sack lunches for guests.
Delivery Drivers: Transport supplies and food where they need to be in a safe and efficient manner.
Dispatchers: This position can be done remotely. The dispatcher’s role is to assist in matching needs to available resources, and providing logistic support to drivers while they carry out deliveries. A device and internet connection are necessary for this role.
First Aid Tent: We are seeking medical professionals and students to assist in the Farmer’s Insurance First Aid Tent. To sign up for this volunteer opportunity, please click here.

Volunteer | Hope Faith Homeless Assistance Campus

To schedule a time to volunteer or for more information, please contact: Brittni, Development Coordinator: volunteer@hopefaith.org, (816) 298-6134.

Due to the COVID-19 outbreak, all volunteers must fill out the COVID-19 Waiver form before volunteering. All volunteers will be questioned about their recent health and their temperature will be taken before entering Hope Faith’s campus for the safety of our community.

Green Works Virtual Volunteer Opportunity!

Edit as of 4/21 – Elaine Warren notified Community-Based Learning that she has already received enough volunteers for this opportunity. However, if you’d like to join their volunteer list or help in another way, please feel free to reach out.

Happy National Volunteer Week! Although it may be difficult to get out and volunteer in your community, we encourage you to find ways to volunteer as safely as possible. One such way is through virtual volunteering.

Green Works in Kansas City has an opportunity for you to volunteer and still make a positive impact while at home. Since 2007, Green Works has been empowering Kansas City’s Future leaders to care for our environment, contribute to our economy, and create healthy communities.

They are currently looking for volunteers to create hand-written notes of encouragement for their students who are grappling with adjusting their schedules during quarantine, completing school-work, and who are struggling with their overall emotional well-being amid covid-19.

Here’s how it will work:

  • Email Elaine Warren at elaine@greenworkskc.org to let her know you’re interested
  • You will receive 2 names and mailing addresses of Green Works students
  • You hand-write and mail your messages to the students by Friday, May 1 (this is the suggested date because some seniors could be out of school as early as May 11)

The impact of meaningful words can go a long way in uplifting someone! These students would greatly appreciate your encouragement during this uncertain, stressful time.

KC STEM Alliance | Green Works in Kansas City

In the spirit of National Volunteer Week, we are going to post every day this week! Happy volunteering!

Virtual Volunteer Opportunity at Goodwill

Looking for a way to volunteer to support those impacted by the Coronavirus (COVID-19)? Goodwill is looking for virtual volunteers! Sign up today for an opportunity to serve individuals impacted by COVID-19.

COVID-19 has threatened lives and disrupted our economy. Individuals need employment and economic support now more than ever. Goodwill has established a text line to provide one-on-one support for individuals in need; this resource will provide guidance and information in the areas of accessing unemployment benefits, filing taxes in order to receive economic impact payments, setting up a bank account, performing job searches, developing digital and essential skills, and receiving connections to other community resources.

You can help respond to these questions, providing real-time support to individuals in need. The text line has built in answers and resources. Volunteers will be available to provide additional, individualized services as needed and will focus on referring individuals to other non-employment related community resources.

To learn more, check out the volunteer position description, or email Goodwill at gvolunteer@mokangoodwill.org.

Global FC Mentor Opportunity!

Global FCGlobal FC (Futbol Community) is a non-profit organization in North East Kansas City. It originated as a community development project as the hysteria around refugee resettlement was brewing in our country and around the world. Global FC became a response in Kansas City on how to bridge the gap between debating, protesting and actually implementing action in the local community.

Their  programming supports first generation refugee and immigrant youth with the tools to overcome obstacles to success by providing resources, opportunities, and most importantly relationships. Through primary programs of soccer, education, and mentoring, the household approach to youth development and high family engagement component makes Global FC unique.

Volunteer | Global FC

Here are two ways that you can help remotely:

Online Engagement Mentors:
Mentorship at Global FC has evolved to continue engagement with youth in various safe ways. Mentors have become a much needed voice of encouragement and accountability in the midst of the loud noise of fear. Some ways that mentors are engaging online right now include:
  • Maintaining strong lines of communication allows our team to be aware of the immediate need for food and to ensure resources get to the most vulnerable as fast as possible.
  • Sharing important information about how to stay physically safe and mentally strong during this pandemic.
  • Offering an ear to listen as a person of support and accountability to ensure our kids can be successful in this new learning climate.
  • Coming up with creative challenges or new ways to engage the group of youth in a positive and fun way
  • Reciprocal cultural exchange – learning about youth and their rich cultures as you teach them about yours.
We must stay mindful of the reality that First Generation Immigrant and Refugee Youth (FGIRY) have experienced complex traumas including war, resettlement, persecution, and loss of loved ones. Unhealed wounds and trauma are often unaddressed as youth are forced to adapt and survive in their new host culture in America. Outlets such as school and soccer provide an escape from responsibilities beyond their age and to simply be a kid. With both of those outlets temporarily and abruptly removed, traumas and behavioral issues may quickly resurface. Positive and encouraging mentor voices are needed now more than ever. YOUR voice can be a force for transformation, healing, and to breathe life into our city! Consider joining our ENGAGEMENT team at Global FC Community. For more information, please reach out to patricia@branch-global.com.

Online Tutors:

Our Education Program has quickly jumped into action by asking the questions, How do we evolve our efforts to ensure our youth can succeed in the transition to learning from home? And how do we ensure our youth are being held accountable to their studies? Volunteer support and our strong family engagement efforts have proven invaluable during this crisis, harnessing credible relationships with students and strong lines of communication with families. Therefore, we have taken our partnerships with Kansas City Public Schools and various charter schools to the next level by locking arms to bridge schools and homes. We are still learning and adjusting as we carry out online engagement, but here are the responsibilities our online education team is taking on while checking in with students three times a week:

  • Provide accountability ~ Tutors are part of a village of volunteers surrounding each student, continually reinforcing the importance of their studies, staying on top of their workload, and asking for help. In addition to the credible voice of volunteers, we also leverage the game of soccer to ensure youth are being held accountable to their studies. Soccer will begin again; we remind them of that. 🙂

  • Ask for an update on what’s going on in their life currently ~ How is home? Schoolwork? Health? Food? Interests?

  • Restate expectations

  1. Students check the chat AT 2 pm every MWF

  2. Complete the activity provided by our Curriculum Developer

  3. Ask for help if needed

  4. Respond to messages

  • Ask about the activity ~ Have students started? Where are they in the process? What have they learned so far? What parts make them curious?

  • Assist with schoolwork ~ As students and tutors interact over various points of the check-in, youth are voicing their needs and concerns about schoolwork, and tutors are readily available to provide guidance.

Consider joining our ONLINE TUTORING team at Global FC Community. For more information, please reach out to celeste@branch-global.com

Happy Mentoring!

Shepherd’s Center KC Needs Your Help!

Did you know that 1 in 12 seniors in Kansas City didn’t have enough food to live healthy lives BEFORE Covid-19?

Kansas City’s parents and grandparents, neighbors, aunts and uncles who were already isolated are now at risk of starving without the daily meals that organizations like Shepherd’s Center KC delivers through selfless volunteers.

Shepherd’s Center KC is still delivering hot nutritious meals, fresh fruits and vegetables form Healthy Harvest at Truman Medical Center, and toilet paper and incontinence supplies directly to homebound seniors in their homes.

The meals delivered 5 days a week are sometimes the only meals that clients receive in a day. Shepherd’s Center volunteers form deep bonds with their senior clients, and are often the only human contact that they receive. It is now even more important for these volunteers to check on their seniors routinely!

Shepherd’s Center is in need of volunteers who are willing to deliver meals during this demanding time.To learn more, contact Bobi Hallak, Volunteer Manager at bobi@sccentral.org.

Shepherd's Center of Kansas City Central | Nonprofit Member ...Shepherd’s Center is also in need of donations. Due to Covid-19, the funds from donors that Shepherd’s Center depend on are severely diminished from even a month ago, leaving Shepherd’s Center and other similar organizations that provide essential services to the most vulnerable populations in Kansas City scrambling to continue to make the difference that only those on the front lines can make.

Help feed Kansas City’s most vulnerable seniors for a day, a week, or a month. $100 helps Shepherd’s Center feed 10 vulnerable seniors, and delivers toilet paper and adult incontinence supplies for 1 day. $10 supports one senior for a day. Please consider making an emergency donation.

How to help Safehome during Covid-19

Safehome provides a healing atmosphere where survivors of domestic violence can gain inner strength, build self-esteem, explore options, and establish a life free of violence.  Safehome’s mission is to break the cycle of domestic violence and partner abuse for victims and their children by providing shelter, advocacy, counseling, and prevention education in our community.

Safehome, now more than ever, is in need of support. Many of the clients they serve are part of populations that are being impacted particularly hard by Covid-19 restrictions. Increased safety concerns and added economic pressure to already poor financial situations is, unfortunately, the reality for some families in the community.

They would greatly appreciate your support to help sustain resources for outreach clients, residents and children relying on Safehome during this difficult time. Donate now here.

If you are unable to give monetarily during this time, notesImage result for safehome kansas cityof encouragement for clients and direct service staff at Safehome is another way that you can help out and spread some love!

Notes and letters can be mailed to Safehome, PO Box 4563, Overland Park, KS 66204-0563.

Let’s spread some hope and encouragement during this difficult time. Sending a positive message and letting someone know you care can truly go a long way in uplifting them! We’re all in this together.

5 Ways to Help During the Coronavirus Outbreak

Image result for coronavirus

As all of us are experiencing the difficulties that have arisen due to the Coronavirus, there are many of us who could either use or lend a helping hand. Amid social distancing practices, there are still ways to get involved and provide support to the community. Here are five organizations that could use your help!

Phoenix Family

One of their primary needs is making sure that families and seniors have the basic pantry supplies needed while schools are closed, and public transportation is now a high health risk. Financial support is the best way to help because the situation is ever-changing, and it gives flexibility to meet whatever the greatest needs are at that time. Click here to donate.

However, if you would like to shop for Phoenix Family, they also greatly appreciate gifts of goods for their pantries. Here are the things that families and seniors need most:

1. Non-perishable food: canned soups, meats, vegetables and fruit, pasta and sauce, and cereal
2. Diapers
3. Depends
4. Toilet
5. Tissue
6. Hand soap
7. Detergent
8. Dish soap

Donations can be left at the backdoor of the Main Offices (3908 Washington, Kansas City, MO 64111) between 8 a.m. and 5:30 p.m.


Image result for harvestersVolunteers at Harvesters are still needed! They are critical to the work done in Harvester’s ability to feed others. Volunteers are essential to sort and repackage millions of pounds of food each month.

Harvesters is closely following the recommendations of the CDC to help stop the spread of germs and have posted CDC guidelines in public areas as a reminder to those coming to the food bank.

If you are not able to volunteer, you can donate food or money! Click here to learn more. Donate nonperishable items in the Harvesters barrels at any Price Chopper or Dillons store. Or hold a food drive and bring donations to Harvesters. The most needed items include: canned meats, rice, pasta, canned soup, canned fruits or vegetables and cereal.

Animal Shelters

Animal shelters need help too! Although Great Plains SPCA is reducing the number of volunteers on site at this time, they are continuing to expand their foster network to help provide additional care for their animals. If you are interested in fostering any of their pets, please reach out to foster@greatplainsspca.org.

Image result for animal shelters kansas city

With this in mind, KC Pet Project could also really use help in fostering. This would be a fun option to keep you company during social distancing practices! Check out their website for more information.

Also, a reminder that according to the World Health Organization, there is no evidence that companion animals have been infected or could spread coronavirus (COVID-19).

American Red Cross

Image result for american red crossAnother way to help is to donate blood. There is currently a severe blood shortage due to the Coronavirus! An unprecedented number of blood drive cancellations has led to a blood shortage. Healthy individuals are needed to donate now to help patients counting on lifesaving blood. Follow this link to find a drive near you.

Supporting each other during a crisis such as this one can bring us together in solidarity to get through it. Stay well!

Know of other organizations that need help? Comment below!

Written by Ethan Bilyeu, Community-Based Learning work study student.

Annual All Rosedale Cleanup – April 18!

Rosedale Development Association is a grassroots, community-centered organization addressing issues such as neighborhood blight, business development, crime, zoning, and flood control. This nonprofit organization is committed to partnering with residents, businesses, and institutions to develop a thriving Rosedale community.

Their annual All Rosedale Cleanup is coming up and they could use your help!

Join your friends and neighbors on Saturday, April 18th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., starting and ending in Fisher Park. This a chance to help beautify the greater Rosedale community while also enjoying the good company.

Volunteers will work hard from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., then celebrate with a cookout and music in Fisher Park from 11 a.m. to 12 p.m.

Register as a team or individual. Supplies, water, and food will be provided.

Click here for more information or please Je T’aime Taylor at 913-677-5097 or jetaime@rosedale.org.

Happy Volunteering!

Champions Special Ministries Volunteer Opportunity!

Champions Special Ministries serves persons with disabilities, their families, and the church through creative, engaging programs and day camps, and helps churches establish relevant ministries to those with special needs. Their Summer Day camp will be in July and they could use your help!

Volunteers will be a part of high-energy, high-FUN activities, including games, sports, dance, arts, crafts, Bible stories, worship, music, and themed parties. Check out the flyer below for more information:

Volunteers can register here.

Happy volunteering!