Tag Archives: SooC52

SooC52 – Utensils

I tried to think of what new ways I could look at a fork. I was left pretty uninspired until I saw the cup of plastic utensils still left out from our New Year’s Eve party. There was a candle burning on the other side of the cup and seeing the light flickering through the clear plastic gave me an idea. I positioned the cups of forks, spoons, and knives directly under the main overhead light on our main workspace in our kitchen and placed a speedflash with an amber filter behind and to the right. This is what came out.


Here are the EXIF data:

Camera Nikon D7000
Exposure 0.017 sec (1/60)
Aperture f/5.0
Focal Length 165 mm
Focal Length 164.7 mm
ISO Speed 100
Exposure Bias 0 EV
Exposure Program Manual
Focal Length (35mm format) 247 mm
Focus Mode Manual
Lens 70-200mm f/2.8
Flash Mode Fired, TTL Mode
Flash Sync Speed 1/320 s (auto FP)
Flash Shutter Speed 1/60 s
Flash Control Built-in Commander Mode
Commander Internal TTLComp Builtin -3.0

Here are the other photogs participating in this year’s project.

Project SooC52

SooC = Straight out of Camera. This is a once-per-week project that follows a different theme each week. All images here are unaltered and exactly as captured in camera. No post-processing is performed. Every week, I will post a photo and discuss my thoughts on its composition and the way I planned the lighting and exposure. Be warned that some weeks, photos will be composed and taken completely unencumbered by the thought process.

Here are the other photogs participating in this year’s project.