JCCC English Department hosted the 7th annual Cavalier Conference on Writing and Literature

On April 8, 2022 the JCCC English Department hosted the 7th annual Cavalier Conference on Writing and Literature. The keynote speaker was Adam Banks, noted composition scholar. He gave a presentation titled “Two Turntables and a Time Machine: Toward a Renewed Vision for—and Recommitment to—Students’ Right to Their Own Language.”

This conference evolved from a desire to share ideas among English instructors who come from many backgrounds and perspectives, from rural Kansas high schools to urban community colleges to four-year universities. We share a common goal and encounter many of the same issues in our classrooms and institutions, while at the same time our conference allows for us to share our diverse experiences and learn from each other.

More information about this conference is at https://scholarspace.jccc.edu/cavalier-conference/2022/

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